Acoustic Signature Grip MK3

Acoustic Signature Grip MK3 Record Clamp

0% Financing for 3 Years Available!!

The Acoustic Signa­ture Grip MK3 record clamp elimi­nates the sound degra­dation cau­sed by wavy records.

Product Description

Acoustic Signature Grip MK3 Record Clamp

Price: $349.00

0% Financing for 3 Years Available!!

Vinyl play­back suffers consi­dera­bly if the record does not lie com­pletely flat on the platter. With the vinyl revival, the buyer’s com­plaints grew: wavy vinyl, often the result of an insuffi­cient ‘cooling out’ of the freshly pressed plastic discs in the pres­sing plants, is no longer a rarity.

Precision record clamps and record weight stabi­lizers from Acoustic Signa­ture remedy this situa­tion by resto­ring full con­tact with the platter surface and pro­viding best dam­ping charac­teris­tics. At the same time vibra­tions caused by reflec­tive sound and/or impact sound are minimized.

Even with perfectly flat records Acoustic Signa­ture record clamps and record weight stabilizers provide better imaging, reso­lution and defi­nition thus contribute to a significantly improved repro­duc­tion of the entire frequency range.

The Acoustic Signa­ture Grip MK3 record clamp elimi­nates the sound degra­dation caused by wavy records. The imple­men­ted precision mecha­nism presses the record firmly onto the platter, elimi­nating existing unevenness.

Compa­red to a normal record weight stabi­lizer the Grip MK3 offers a signifi­cantly higher contact pres­sure and, due to its mass of 330 grams, cannot stress the bearing – the opti­mal addition for turn­tables with sub-chassis and/or little platter mass.

To open and close a quarter turn is suffi­cient. A complete unscre­wing as with many other record clamps is not neces­sary. The Grip MK3 turn­table clamp is made entirely of high-quality alumi­num. The pro­duc­tion takes place on CNC-con­trolled machines in order to precisely main­tain the smal­lest tolerances.

Technical data & finish

Weight: 330 g
Available finishes: : silver anodized, black anodized, natural aluminum (diamond-turned)


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